Monday, October 8, 2018


Walking down the corridor , I was still lamenting about the chance which slipped right through my fingers. Hey! This is Raji, Doing my 3rd year mechanical engineering, and two days ago I just lost my chance of getting into the college Baja team.
On the way i saw my friend who seemed to be deep in thought.
"Hey Rohith! Penny for your thoughts?"
"Yeah just thinking about SAE......."
And then came our other friends suddenly with a ray of hope telling that there was an exam for getting selected into SAE right now, we wrote the exam with vigor.
All of a sudden there emerged a strong voice.
" Are you all interested to be SAE office bearers?". It was our Faculty . At that very moment we wanted to do everything that could get us  into SAE. So i was up first. My eyes widened with shock so did others too,but then i didn't want to miss the chance this time around.And first time my nervousness was at its peak. One Faculty each from Mechanical and Automobile entered the arena.
It for 30 minutes that i answered their questions,even before I came out of the cabin Rohith was waiting outside to know about the questions asked.

Rohith: "How did it go?"

Raji    : "Good i guess. Yours?"
Rohith: " Good. And now we wait for the results".

Now there were two competitions through SAE one the go-kart other SAE baja. We all wanted to get into Baja Because it was the most engaging competition, and it was  all we had longed for.Now we had to wait for selection lists,believe me it was the longest wait ever for me .

Stay with us to know the rest of the part.

See ya 😊😊😊😊

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Walking down the corridor , I was still lamenting about the chance which slipped right through my fingers. Hey! This is Raji, Doing my 3rd ...